Grey Foundation
Key Features of the Murray Grey Foundation beef cattle Registry:
lowest cost
Murray Grey beef cattle Registry -- One flat annual fee (US$30) for an unlimited number of registrations and transfers.
The quickest and most easy to use Murray Grey beef cattle Registry -- Internet based, enter data, hit "submit," and print Registration Certificates for your cattle in minutes. |
Openly published,
registry rules for all cattle producers world-wide -- with steadily increasing standards (a plan for the future).
For additional details, see the MGF Main Page, especially the MGF Bylaws, and the MGF Invitation (below). |
Invitation -- in PDF file format -- allow a minute or two to download Invitation -- in HTML format -- Page 1 , Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4 MGF Membership Application Form |
News! -- The US IRS has granted the Murray Grey Foundation tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code. Hence the MGF income is not subject to Federal or State taxes. This also means that your contributions, dues, bequests, etc. are also most likely tax deductable from your US taxes. As always, for your tax liabilities check with your tax advisor.
This site is designed for and best viewed using Internet Explorer at 800 x 600 screen display and 32 bit color. |