Murray Grey Foundation Logo

 Murray Grey Foundation
The Global Murray Grey Registry and Research Organization
by and for All Murray Grey Breeders

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Key Documents
Purpose (from Articles of Incorporation)  
Organizing Members - Officers - Directors
Code of Regulations  
Murray Grey History

The initial focus of the Murray Grey Foundation is to establish the lowest cost, most "member-friendly", and most universal Murray Grey Registry while maintaining the highest integrity.  To that aim, the MGF has set up a revolutionary, simple, internet based, and low cost Registry. 

Breaking with traditional registries, the MGF Registry only requires one, extremely low annual fee and a moderate one-time initiation fee.  The annual fee covers an unlimited number of registrations and transfers -- no per transaction fee.  

The Registry Rules are very accommodating to the customs and needs of MG breeders around the world.  Breeders no longer need to mark their animals with multiple unique IDs -- the MGF will recognize the unique animal ID that your country might require or that you might use.   

Furthermore, the MGF has set the plans for the future development of the Registry Rules.  For details, see Registry Features, the MGF Bylaws and Code of Regulations.   

To that end, the MGF Registry database will be established.  Once the sires and dams that you use are registered, you will be able to actually register your new animals directly, without delay or interaction with the MGF Office.   You will also be able to update the MGF Registry with additional information and also make corrections.  This is an actual registration system, not merely supplying the MGF Office with information that will later be inserted into the MGF Registry.  You printout a Registration Certificate for your animals in "real-time".  No delays and no extra fees.

As the MGF Registry develops, the MGF plans to increase the capabilities of the Registry in Phase II and Phase III to allow collection and analysis of performance and genetic information, as the members collectively and individually wish -- never compulsory.  The plans include the MGF Registry, e.g. in Phase III, to have the capabilities of  a full herd management system (like some of the very expensive commercially available software packages) -- but all still on-line, easy to use, and for the same low annual fee for MGF members --  with each member in complete control to release or not release such additional information for public view.   

The other focus of the MGF will be research and development of the Murray Grey breed and publication of such information of interest to MG breeders and the beef cattle industry.  The MGF will be fully US tax exempt allowing members and other sources to contribute funds, grants, bequeaths, etc. to such efforts free of taxation.

To maintain its low cost structure, the MGF will rely on communication and publication via the internet and will not have either paid employees or overhead such as buildings and offices.

Similarly it is important to state what the MGF is not.  The MGF is not a money making organization.  The MGF is not directly involved in organizing cattle shows or exhibits.  The MGF is not directly involved in cattle or MG marketing, sales, or alliances.  The MGF will work with other National, Regional, or Local Murray Grey organizations which are the proper groups to foster shows, sales, and marketing of the Murray Grey Beef Cattle.

Note too that if a MG breeder wishes to be more involved in the MGF, then full voting membership can be attained.  See the MGF Bylaws and Code of Regulations for details.